One or More?

I just LOVE blog hopping and coming across all kinds of blogs about anything and everything.Today a lady called in to the Dr. Laura show about her strong desire to be a comedy performer yet she wanted to stay home with her kids. Dr. Laura suggested she start a blog.

I kind of do the same thing, like many bloggers, express my creativity and my passion for my craft through my blog. This little thing started out as a way to promote my classes. Now it is ALOT more but overall, it centers around papercrafting. And there is a whole lot more I would like to write about besides just papercrafts.

So the question is, one or more blogs?

I wanted to be a journalist at some point but then I went in the Army, had kids, and directed my education into what I thought was a more practical and kid-friendly direction. Now I don't even really use it-ha! Anyways, I love to write and to express myself and share my point of view. And since I find every day there is more and more non-scrappy stuff I wanna say, things that might differ from others' views, I think I need to distance those writings from my scrappy stuff. My scrappy stuff should not be political or evocative or controversial. It should just be fun and creative. So I am toying with the idea of another place for me to discuss those things in the world I have an opinion on and think need attention.

Unfortunately there are only so many hours in the day. Something has to give so whenever I start that extra blog (or two or three) I will likely cut down some of my time on here. Some of the stuff I share here will go elsewhere, like my family stuff, and that will make reading and finding the point of each post alot easier,right?! LOL

So I just wanted to let you know, I will be here at least every other day, if not more, but I am trying to find an outlet for all this stuff in my head that has nothing to do with scrapping whatsoever.

So before I go to finish preparing for that yard sale this weekend, let me share a little thing I have been doing.

Today I went to my first ever Craft Support Group. It is sponsored by the Inland Caregivers Resource Center. I was very honored and excited when they asked me to consult for their caregiver support program. Basically they provide services to caregivers of Alzheimer's and others with brain issues. The caregivers need a place to discuss the issues they are going through, how to deal with the different stages of the diseases of the loved ones they care for, and just to know that someone else is out there and understands.

We have been working on starting craft support groups where caregivers craft and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of the activity of creating versus just going to a support group where they have discussion. The groups are taking place in rural areas without crafts stores or existing crafts education centers.

Today I held my first session with a wonderful group of caregivers in Barstow, CA. These caregivers were from all walks of life and backgrounds. I really enjoyed learning about them and sharing a little bit about papercrafting with them as we made this little wall hanging:

But the mood in the room was sad. Sad because, due to budget cuts, the program and the resource center will close at the end of June. Not only will many people be out of work such as the staff of the center and the facilitators of each group, but many people around the Southland will be without the support they count on to get through each month. The caregivers in this area discussed carrying on their meetings without the support of the resource center. They also discussed continuing the crafts support group, though now they will have to fund it from their own pockets. They looked toward the future for a solution instead of wallowing in defeat and self pity.

I received several emails last week from my contact at the center about the state cutting the program from the budget — 80% of the resource center's funding comes from the state so there is no way it can survive without that funding. On Friday night I got a voicemail that closure was eminent. That also means that after June, the craft support program will be cancelled. Today when I called my contact, I was told that is it 99% possible the center is closing.

On the one hand I am sad that the center is closing and the crafts program is ending because I think it would be beneficial to the caregivers involved. And it was fun for me to share with others who I would never have to chance to share with because they are always home caring for their family members and can't get out for more than an hour or so to shop etc. Barstow is 2 hours from the next closest scrapbooking store.

But on the other hand, I know that EVERYONE is being cut. The money just isn't there to pay for programs anymore–it isn't that no one wants to fund it. I think of the economy as a big water wheel. The faster it spins, the more the money flows. The slower it spins, the less water (money) flows. Right now we are grinding that wheel to a halt. The more things are cut, more jobs are lost, less money is being spent, less taxes are coming in, and it just goes slower and slower and slower.

For now, I will help whatever groups want to continue the crafts support groups the best that I can.

If you feel passionate about this issue, then contact the Inland Caregivers Resource Center and find out what you can do to help. 909-514-1499.

Thanks for reading :)

Author: Jennifer Priest

It started with jewelry, beading, sewing, home decor, painting, basket weaving, pottery, and cross-stitch. Marry that to an entrepreneurial spirit & at 9 years old a girl is selling her wares at craft fairs as far as her parents and grandparents would drive her. These days, Jennifer enjoys crafts of all genres from sewing to scrapbooking to jewelry with a little dabbling in the mixed media world. Her style is approachable and she wants everyone who sees her work to feel that they too can embrace creativity and make their home and life beautiful.

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2 thoughts on “One or More?

  1. Hi Jennifer – I loved your layout with the tree on it and was wondering if you minded me scraplifting it? You’re such an inspiration to me!

    Posted on June 9, 2009 at 6:48 am
  2. I vote two blogs. Though I wouldn’t stop reading this one if you kept it to just one. And I will read your second one too should decide to do it.

    Posted on June 10, 2009 at 9:48 pm