Welcome back to Day 5 of 12 Days of Christmas Crafts! Today I am showing you how to turn drab wrapping paper into FAB wrapping paper! I am all about eco-friendly solutions to problems – I believe in trying to live well but frugally, trying to respect the world around us and make as little trash as possible when we can. This project can use up old grocery store paper bags, kraft paper, butcher paper, or newsprint. I actually try to get paper bags from the grocery store because they are biodegradable, can be used to wrap things, and can be burned in the BBQ, resulting in zero waste.

Here's what you'll need:
  • Old grocery store bags, kraft paper, butcher paper, or newsprint
  • Die in a festive shape, like a snowflake
  • Large Tag – optional
  • Self-Adhesive Bling – optional
  • Pretty ribbon
  • Spray Ink – I prefer Smooch Spritz
Here's how to do this easy and affordable gift wrap the earth will thank you for ;)

Cut the bottom out of the bag to yield a large piece of kraft paper. Wrap the gift in the paper bag. Save the scraps.

Lay the scraps of the paper bag under the gift to protect your work surface.
Diecut a holiday shape from chipboard or cardstock. The diecut needs to be stiff so it will be less likely to curl when spraying so avoid this paper or patterned paper. 

Lay the diecut in the center of the gift or arrange several on the front of the gift. Spray with Smooch Spritz in Emerald Sprinkle (or another festive color). Carefully remove the mask. Now the image is showing on the wrapped item but the diecut is super sparkly and colored, perfect to use on a project later.

Wrap ribbon around the gift and decorate the masked image. Here I wrapped the gift with ric rac and use a pom on top of the tree,perfect if I was giving this gift to a child.

On this gift, I added bling “ornaments” to the masked tree and wrapped it with pretty ribbon. 

This is my “adult” version of the gift wrap ;) You can use fabric strips, twine, or tinsel garland to wrap the gift, making it personalized to the person who is receiving it.

Happy Wrapping!

Author: Jennifer Priest

It started with jewelry, beading, sewing, home decor, painting, basket weaving, pottery, and cross-stitch. Marry that to an entrepreneurial spirit & at 9 years old a girl is selling her wares at craft fairs as far as her parents and grandparents would drive her. These days, Jennifer enjoys crafts of all genres from sewing to scrapbooking to jewelry with a little dabbling in the mixed media world. Her style is approachable and she wants everyone who sees her work to feel that they too can embrace creativity and make their home and life beautiful.

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