Looking back on this year it has been a big one for this little ole blog. I'm so excited to be sharing more beyond scrapbooking, going into gardening and DIY and even Southern California lifestyle. It has certainly been a fun ride this year and I look forward to even more creativity and sharing in 2015! Taking a look at what worked and what didn't in 2014, to help guide my posts for the next year, I found these 10 posts to be the most visited,pinned, loved and shared. I hope you enjoy taking this brief look back at 2014 here at Hydrangea Hippo:
Tops Posts of 2014
10. National Scrapbook Day Online Events

Well, I guess I can't get away from scrapbooking yet, can I? Because so many stores have closed, I gathered all the links I could find for online events during National Scrapbook Day 2014 so that no matter where you are, no matter where your store is, you could join in the one fun. I hope to do the same in 2015!
9. DIY Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Costumes

I made these warm and adorable costumes for ny niece and nephew this Halloween and they loved them. Best of all, they were affordable to make and will last years.
8. Resist Technique with Pan Pastels and ColorBox Watermark Ink

I have worked with Pan Pastels in the past but working with them and stencils had me a bit stumped. Luckily, the pastels “stick” to ColorBox Top Boss Watermark ink! This technique is easy to do and I think that is why it is popular–this is surely one to pin! (Click here to repin)
7. Create a Bezel with Wire

Use wire and paper to make a unique necklace, like this one I created with ICE Resin.
6. Archiver's Closing
The year started off with a shock as the scrapbooking chain Archiver's announced they were closing.
5. Orange Is The New Black Blog Hop
We started EPIC BLOG HOPS this year, with an Orange Is the New Black hop that was incredibly fun and wildly inappropriate!
4. Creative Ways to Give Gift Cards
From this past Christmas, these gift card ideas are great for all year long!
3. And then Two Peas In A Bucket closed…
Six months after Archiver's closed, Two Peas in a Bucket closed. Two of the biggest names in scrapbooking now gone. 2014 was not kind to the scrapbook industry.
2. Ikea Craft Rooms
Looking for affordable ways to organize your craft space? this post has LOTS of ideas!
1. Frozen Crown Tutorial
I'm not surprised that a Frozen project was the most popular this year on my blog! That movie really reaches your heart!
Do you remember these? I think the Orange Is The New Black post is one of my favorites! I'm gonna put my scrapbooking hat back on a suggest that you make a “14 Best Memories of 2014” scrapbook page to remember the year and close off your album. I couldn't resist… ha!
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