Hello there! Holly here today to share with you a few projects I made using the June Kit.
I am slowly catching up with my Project Life album as life just keeps moving on. This half page layout is from early February, but this kit has some great details that are just perfect for a project life spread!
I L.O.V.E. this floral patterned paper that is included in this kit. I let my hording urges subside long enough to use it for a layout! The bits and bobbles included in this kit along with a couple stars and flowers made this layout very special. I love the detail on the silver feather!
Lastly, I made a very simple card. A very bold, yet simple card. Love the super thick ribbon with the touch of gold sequins! ALL of these projects came from just ONE kit and I'm not even done with it yet. I still have a super sweet mini album I made to share, but that will have to wait for another day!
sunshine&bunnies, holly*