I saw some super rad stuff at SNAP Conference 2014 last week but I did you a favor – I distilled it down to my TOP 9 Coolest Things I saw at SNAP Conference. Happy Birthday. (Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I make a few pennies if you make a purchase from those links. Thanks!)
1. Doh Vinci by Hasbro
Matthew is ALL over this happiness! The best part is they have a CAR KIT!!! Or travel kit is what I think they called it. It folds up and can go in the car where the kids can then open it and play with it on their lap. The doh sticks where it is supposed to when playing. If it gets on the carpet in the car, just wait for it to dry and peel it off. SWEET!!
I also think it has the potential to help kids who want to learn about using frosting and baking get some of the motor skills needed to start cake decorating as a hobby. Here is a project they made in the booth plus a closer look at all the colors:
2. Thompson's Water Seal SOLID Stain
My fence is horrid and needs ALOT of help. I was so surprised to learn about Thompson Water Seal's new Solid Stain – bascially it covers and seals in one coat, almost like a paint. I cannot wait to use this on my fence and make my backyard beautiful again!
Here are all of the beautiful colors it comes in. I think I am going to go with Acorn Brown!
3. The air nailer from Ryobi
If you make any kind of projects around your house, this is a must have. It is battery powered and there is no need for an air compressor so you can take it anywhere. Plus, it works with the Ryobi One+ system where one battery powers multiple tools. We already have that system so this would be a sweet addition!
4. Learning more about my Baby Lock sewing machine
I had no idea what the Start/Stop button was for on the front of my machine nor the scissor button…thank you Amy Smart!
Plus, I made this super awesome pillow in class – I plan to make more and will share a tutorial here when I do!
5. CRAFT by World Market
I love how they described it like Kickstarter + etsy + ebay all coming together into ONE concept. Artisans create one-off products for between $20-$3000. WE, (like you and me), bid on the items we want and pre-order. If the minimum is preordered, the item goes into production. How cool is that?! I love how eco-conscious it is too – only making what there are buyers for. World Market is pretty flipping genius.
6. Simplicity Needle Felting Machine
I have been intrigued by the look of needlefelting but was a little befuddled by the tools needed. Well, this machine is the answer! Isaw this needlefelting machine by Simplicity in action at SNAP and fell in love – it takes all of the guesswork out of felting AND it makes it super easy to create projects in minutes. I especially love this piece by Candie Cooper:
I did not get a photo of the machine but here is another project:
Check out the machine on Amazon here:
7. RustOleum new GLITTER & Mirror Spraypaint
This is going to make your life so much easier! The glitter paint goes on so smooth and does not flake off – say goodbye to glitter herpes! And, the mirror spray paint can be used to give glass amirror finish, like the Ball jar in the photo, or you can add vinegar to gie a faux mercury glass finish. I see so many amazing projects in my future with these two formulas from RustOleum.
8. Lollipics
These are lollipops that you can put photos on – so cool! They also have fundraising programs and work with charities–what's not to love?
9. Cents of Style
I don't get all giddy inside about meeting fashion bloggers or fashion people. That isn't my bag. I think because I think of the “popular” girls in high school and I want nothing to do with them. The ladies of Cents of Style are nothing like that. Stylish and approachable, stunning yet affordable, these ladies have made fashion fun! I love all the colorful, witty items they have from t-shirts to dresses to jewelry. And of course, shoes. I am quite the subject of envy as I won a YEAR OF SHOES from Cents of Style at SNAP!!!! I will totally be sharing the shoes on my blog and over social media throughout the next year ;) Besides having awesome products, Cents of Style has a really generous affiliate program for bloggers who work with them – be sure to check out their website here:
And more SNAP Conference 2014 recap videos and blog posts!!
- CraftFoxes featured another 10 things I learned at SNAP
- Girl Loves Glam (the bloopers are the end – #TheBest)
- A Sparkle of Genius focuses on the sewing classes at SNAP
- Crafting In The Rain shares “10 Things I Learned at SNAP”. Love #5 and #6!
- Pneumatic Addict Furniture shares a SNAP Recap – I was at that dinner with her but I am not in the pic – she was so much fun to talk to!
- Play. Party. Pin. did a recap of 11 things learned from SNAP
- Creative Green Living recap of top 5 things at SNAP
- Lil Blue Boo – Where You Look Is Where You Go
- Major Hoff Takes A Wife compares SNAP to the Haven Conference
I hope you enjoyed seeing these cool things from SNAP Conference. Which one do you want to know more about?
The needle felting machine looks really interesting.
the rustoleum glitter is fabulous!!!! it would be great on planters!!!!
Rustoleum glitter and mirror paint!!!!!!! Yeah baby!!!!!!
The glitter paint caught my attention too!!! Would LOVE that! Thanks Jennifer for the chance!
I am very excited to see another mirror spray paint on the market! and the solid stain intrigues me….
Looks like you had a fantastic time! So many awesome products and crafty goodness! Love that Glitter paint! Fun! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies!
Oh that looks so fun. I was so bummed I couldn’t make it this year. It was my favorite conference last year.
The Thompson Sealer! We really need to do a new coat on our deck!
I’d really like to know more about that spray mirror paint. Looks really cool!
Yike, Jennifer! You want me to pick one? LOL! Well, the felting machine had me at hello and that glitter spray paint is calling my name right now! LOL! Thanks so much for sharing!!
I can’t wait to try the rustoleum glitter paint and the mirror paint!
love those lollipics!! cute!!
I would love to learn more about the Rustoleum products!
The Needle felting machine looks cool
Awesome! I would love to attend one of these conferences sometime if any ever comes close to where I live.
Look at all the goodies to create with!!
The needle felting machine looks neat ,
Fun stuff and I’d like
to know more about
The air nailer from Ryobi!
Carla from Utah
Looks like you had a fabulous time and got to play with some great ideas and goodies.
Would probably most like to try the BabyLock sewing machine.
The glitter paint
Wow so many great products coming out. I love the mirror spray.
Hi – the Rust-Oleum spray paints look AMAZING! The glitter and mirror sprays can be so much fun on projects! Oh, the Thompson’s wood sealer finish looks really interesting as well! Thanks for sharing the new products with us!
Hello, I would love to hear more about the glitter and mirror paint. Thanks for a great giveaway!
Wow, you saw a lot of really cool crafty stuff!! Thank for sharing it with us :)
lollipics, cute and love the look of the sewing machine!
I would like to learn more about the Simplicity Needle Felting Machine
Thompson’s Water Seal sounds interesting.
I want to try the air nailer from Ryobi. But can you make it in pink so my husband won’t steal it (or at least I’ll know it’s mine?!) LOL
I am in love with the mirror paint!
The Doh Vinci by Hasbro looks fun.
Love the Craft by world market!!
Thanks for sharing my blog post!!!!!