More from CHA–I am sorry I did not go in and tilt all these pics the right way–sorry! I will try to get them all flipped soon but I ain't making any promises ;)
American Crafts & Pebbles
NIKKI SIVILS — cute stuff! Love the buttons with the fabric stitched to the front–so cute!
TERESA COLLINS –starting a paper line on her own. Very much the same kind of signature look as her papers in the past.
CRAFT N DOODLE — they have totes for crafters that interlock and have all kinds of tools in them. Some are cool, like this cutter below where you can lock decorative baldes together to cut decorative borders but others were kindof lame like the stamp ink pads — good idea but not something I think every crafter would want in their tote, especially if they already have a favorite ink pad brand. But the cutter and the totes were cool ;)
Epiphany Crafts — Button Maker
I've got a class tonight so I'm off to work on that. We've still got room if you want to join us at Collective Journey in Redlands, 530-730pm.
ok, so if I wasn’t already jealous enough that you went to CHA and I stayed home, but you got to meet Liz Kartchner!!! I am dying to meet her – she is my fav scrapper these days (besides you of course, LOL!!) I should have told you to get an autograph or have her call me or something – ok, I am getting a bit stalkery :)
I will see her again at Reflections–I know, I should have brought her book for her to sign and then I saw her like every day cuz the Zutter booth was near Am Crafts where she was. SO if you want something signed. I will see if I can ask her at Reflections ;)
ok when and where I would love to get my book signed if you could :)