
I like my blog to be a scrappy blog and not too serious but tonight I am concerned. I don't usually talk politics with people because I know I do not share the same views with many many people and that this election especially has been so polarizing that I have not wanted to risk losing any of my friends because our views are so opposite. I stayed silent while people said things I disagree with because I knew in a few months or weeks it would not matter–someone would be President and whatever anybody said would be water under the bridge.

I voted and here in California I know my vote usually doesn't “count” for President because California's electoral votes are historically all given over to the Democrat candidate but I will still go and vote because I believe in our system. I signed up to defend our country over 10 years ago in the Army, including the right to vote, so I figure I'd better use that right whenever I can. I like to think that I have always been a free thinker, make my own decisions, and can be analytical about things. I am neither Democrat or Republican in case you were wondering.

But I am concerned over the news that Barack Obama is President. I just can't find it in myself to get excited about it. I think the race was awesome and really made some history–we had Hillary, Sarah … WOMEN in the race in a way that was really visible and made an impact…then there was Obama, the First African American to be elected President. Wow. But I am still really uneasy about him being the best man for the job. No, you don't need to try to convince me, I have heard all the talking points, believe me. Here's is what I'd like you to do:

Just pray for Obama. Pray that he makes the right decisions and that he leads this country to where it needs to be. Thanks in advance for praying for us all and good night :)

Author: Jennifer Priest

It started with jewelry, beading, sewing, home decor, painting, basket weaving, pottery, and cross-stitch. Marry that to an entrepreneurial spirit & at 9 years old a girl is selling her wares at craft fairs as far as her parents and grandparents would drive her. These days, Jennifer enjoys crafts of all genres from sewing to scrapbooking to jewelry with a little dabbling in the mixed media world. Her style is approachable and she wants everyone who sees her work to feel that they too can embrace creativity and make their home and life beautiful.

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10 thoughts on “Concerned.

  1. Thank you for having the courage for saying the things so many of us are thinking..silently.

    Posted on November 5, 2008 at 4:16 pm
  2. You are not alone. I was saying the same thing to my hubby last night. My candidates don’t always win, but I have never had such a pit feeling in my stomach over this election. I do pray for him to make the right decisions, and I am glad that others are doing so too.

    Posted on November 5, 2008 at 4:26 pm
  3. I’m with you too. I have an easy feeling and it’ll be a scary future if he takes the real liberal road that he has in the past and keeps making the associations he has.

    Posted on November 5, 2008 at 4:34 pm
  4. I’m with you Jennifer…and I am also as scared as Hell right now…I don’t know where this is going to go…or how it is going to effect us little people… I’m just scared….

    Posted on November 5, 2008 at 5:48 pm
  5. Thank you for having the courage to express your concerns.
    I think, regardless of who won the presidency, there is unease. I choose to have faith. While not my voted leader, Obama managed to leverage enough influence to motivate people to excercise their freedom to vote. I hope he continues to motivate people in ways that strenghten our economy, our patriotism, and the security of our country.

    Yes, Obama and every other Americian is in my prayers.

    Posted on November 5, 2008 at 6:34 pm
  6. Unease is a natural reaction to change. Regardless of political views or who voted for whom, we as Americans have an extraordinary opportunity to change ourselves, our children, our country and the world. We have risen to every challenge, as a nation, in the past and I am confident we will continue to do do.

    Posted on November 5, 2008 at 7:04 pm
  7. I am so sorry you feel this way…I know how you feel, I was very concerned 8 years ago and again 4 years ago and it’s a terrible, uneasy feeling…in the end, sadly, my fears were proved true, I really hope that your fears are not.

    Personally, I finally feel very optomistic about my country.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


    Posted on November 6, 2008 at 5:27 am
  8. Right on! I’m with ya girl!

    Posted on November 6, 2008 at 6:52 pm
  9. oh honey… it’s ALL scary, for sure….
    i am worried as well, but i am every time i feel that things can ONLY get better right… or stay the same…
    I hope for change…we’ll see
    thanks for posting you are not alone. although i am a barack fan, i just feel that something had to change, whether it be for the better, we will see, i am praying with you sister..

    Posted on November 6, 2008 at 7:31 pm
  10. Amen! I agree 100%! DH and I have decided to see what happens once he actually takes office…. and if we don’t like it, we are privileged enough to be able to move to another country! LOL

    Posted on November 7, 2008 at 4:20 am