Just sharing an older layout that was up at Pink Pineapple Scrapbooks last year ;) It's kind of fun to look back and see your style from a year ago ;)
This Saturday I am hosting an all day crop at my house in Hesperia, CA. The crop fee is $10 and include light lunch and light dinner. I'll be doing raffle drawings all day long– you can earn tickets by RSVPing and pre-paying for your spot, bringing a side dish or dessert to share, or bringing a friend to the crop. Plus we'll be giving out tickets during the crop ;)
Tp sign up, please click the Paypal buttons over on the lefthand column of my blog under the “CLASSES” column and pay via Paypal. I've only got a few spots left so reserve your space today!!
Happy Scrapping!
this is my last day of freedom before Mike starts his class again so I am definitely coming, just rsvp’d and paypaled so there is no excuse!! I can’t wait to see you – its been ages!!