We're doing a giveaway over on the Clearsnap blog now until Christmas! Here are the details, straight from the Clearsnap blog:
Christmas is coming early and Santa is bringing inkpads, and Sparkle Fibers, and Smooch Spritzes to all the land, early! Add this blinkie to your blog and be entered to win a prize pack of ColorBox inkpads, Sparkle Fibers, and Smooch Spritz to start off the new year right! After you add the blinkie to your blog, post a link to it on our Facebook Fan Page and you'll be entered to win. We're choosing one winner each day until Christmas!

How To Add a Blinkie: Copy the code from the box above. Then, on your blog, add a gadget to “Add Html Code” (differs depending on the blog platform you are using i.e. Blogger, Typepad, etc). Paste the code you copied into the box that appears. Then click “Save” or “Add to Blog”. That's it! Don't forget to post your link on our Facebook Page to be entered to win.