Hello and welcome to the Lawn Fawn Hearts Cards for Kids Blog Hop! We have all come together today to make cards for a wonderful cause, Cards for Kids! We hope to encourage you to also make cards for this great cause and have fun along the way, too! So please hop along with us, and make sure to leave comments as there will be prizes for commenters and participants! So let's get going! Also, if you are lost in the hop, you can always start at the beginning at the Lawn Fawn blog. Thank you so much for hopping along with us today!
Here's the little card I made to share, just using a few scraps from my scrap room and a realy cute monster stamp form “My Cute Stamps”:
Lawn Fawn http://lawnfawn.blogspot.com/
Meredith www.papercanteen.com
Tiffany http://tiffguam.com
Mandy www.limelightpapercrafts.blogspot.com
Nichol www.nicholmagouirk.typepad.com
Ayana http://www.ayanaposadas.typepad.com/
Brit http://artismysunshine.blogspot.com
Christiana www.penciledwhimsies.blogspot.com
Banu http://stampingwithpassion.blogspot.com/
Vera www.lingshappyplace.blogspot.com
Lisa http://sideoatsandscribbles.wumple.com/
Laurel www.laurelbeard.wordpress.com
Kelly http://kellybertram.blogspot.com/
Jennifer http://hydrangeahippo.blogspot.com YOU ARE HERE
Scrapbook Royalty http://scrapbookroyalty.blogspot.com GO HERE NEXT
Tina www.travelingmama.net
Beth www.stinkinsweetscrappin.blogspot.com
Mary Dawn http://mypinkmexico.blogspot.com
AnitaRex http://craftygrldesigns.blogspot.com/
Lucy http://hedgehogsandladybirds.blogspot.com/
Brenda www.sweetpapertreats.com
Anthonette http://chavezdesigns.blogspot.com/
Tanis www.scrapcardsbytanis.blogspot.com
Jessica www.canyoupixelthis.com
Sudie www.unKit.com
Bonnie Rose http://alifeunrehearsed2.blogspot.com
Sarah Martina http://sarahmartina.com/blog
Michelle http://pagemasterdesignsonline.blogspot.com/
Jennie www.jenniekader.blogspot.com
Jennifer http://jennifersland.blogspot.com/
Carly http://carlyrobertson.typepad.com/paper-in-bloom/
Joy http://dustypenny.blogspot.com/
Latrice www.latricemurphy.blogspot.com
Lai-Yoke www.walchowDesign.blogspot.com
Dana www.relivingtomorrow.blogspot.com
Kazan nunutoolies.blogspot.com
Jana http://www.janamillen.typepad.com
Dawn http://dawnscrafts.blogspot.com
Kristie www.thekristiesessions.blogspot.com
Rhonda bluepoohbear753.blogspot.com
Donna www.3umbrellas.blogspot.com
Jess basicjess.blogspot.com
Marilyn littlethingmemoryartist.blogspot.com
Shawnte http://shawnteparks.blogspot.com/
Mary Pat http://www.siehledwithakiss.blogspot.com/
Lynsey http://www.lynseyreadswritescreates.blogspot.com
Ashley http://hearthugsdesigns.blogspot.com/
Libby http://stampinlibby.blogspot.com
Sherri http://www.sherrithompson.blogspot.com/
Tami http://journeyoflifetamijo.blogspot.com
Linda http://elendae.wordpress.com/
Lynnette http://nettersnotables.blogspot.com/
Kathy http://thedailymarker.blogspot.com/
Cindy http://cre8ivecindy.blogspot.com/
Deneen www.simplydeneen.typepad.com
Heather http://www.scrapbookbakery.blogspot.com/
Jenn doublendesigns.blogspot.com
Tenia http://jazzypaper.blogspot.com
Lori http://inkingaloud.blogspot.com
Deb http://sideshowdeb.blogspot.com
Angela http://makingmayhem.blogspot.com
Stephanie http://stephaniecastrodesigns.blogspot.com
Lynn www.themangoboysandme.blogspot.com
Shemaine www.scraptasticdesigns.blogspot.com
Latisha http://crafteebee.blogspot.com/
Deedee http://stampingsunshine.blogspot.com/
Kristina http://kristinaisonehappymama.blogspot.com/
Nicky http://craftcoffeecat-nicky.blogspot.com/
Leigh Ann www.stampingwithannieb.blogspot.com
Gretchen http://gscrapbooks.blogspot.com
Erin http://www.homemadecardsbyerin.blogspot.com
Laurie www.soapboxcreations.blogspot.com
Beth http://www.runswithscraps.blogspot.com
Michelle www.hotwheelsandglueguns.blogspot.com
Jessica www.Itsallaboutglitznglam.blogspot.com
Clare http://bearydocardsinc.blogspot.com/
Carol http://www.lifecreativewithcarol.blogspot.com
Grace http://gracehester.typepad.com
Clouds http://cloudscolorgarden.blogspot.com/
Hannah http://sherbetblossom.blogspot.com/
Laurie http://lalybi.blogspot.com
Terri http://terriearley.blogspot.com/
Jennifer jennifermcguireink.com
Lawn Fawn http://lawnfawn.blogspot.com/
So cute! I love the sentiment!
Beautiful bright cheerful colours for a child! Love the monster stamped on patterned paper.
Super cute card!
bright, adorable and so fun!!!
crafty hugs!
very cute!
What a cute monster. Cutest I’ve ever seen. TFS
such a fuuuuun card!
Goodness so cute and sweet!
so cheerful colors!
Very cute!
So cute, love it!
cute monster!
just hoppin thru
I love your monster, and the mix of patterns and colors- so fun!
I love your card!! The image is so cute and the colors are great.
I love the monster stamp! The colors on this card are so great for kids.
I have been eyeballing those stamps! The way you used the little monster is great.
gotta love that sweet monster! so happy I found your blog….I’m always looking for stamping and crafting teachers in So Cal for a store in Orange.
I’ll shoot you an email when I’m done with the hop!
you can never go wrong with a bold, bright card for a kid! this is super cute
Too cute. TFS.
Oh my! If all monsters were this cute I am sure we would let them sleep under our beds more often! Lol! Great card. Love the boldness and cheerful feeling it gives. Thanks for sharing.
This bright card should get a bright smile from one of the deserving kiddos!
Loving your monster card! So bright and fun! It will bring smiles for sure!
So CUTE!!! Love this Brightly colored card!!
Super fun!
Your card is super cute!
cute monster!
Wonderful cards for little kids! Thanks for sharing!
Cute monsters will always bring a smile! Love your cheery card!
What a cutie!!
Great bright, cheerful colors! Love the little monster with his roar.
Great fun colors!
love the little monster!!!
Cute card!
Super cute little monster card any little guy would love to get that!
Adorable! Love that background paper! It’s perfect for this card!
Colors are so bright and happy TFS!!
Monstrously cute!
This is a perfect kid card, bright and colorful.
you managed to make a monster super cute!
Very cute!!!!
Lily loves your monster card and so does mommy! Too cute!~
Adorable monster! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful monster card!
Super fun card!
That little monster is so cute! :)
Such a fun moster cards :) He is sooo cute…the colours are too cute…the kids will love it !
That monster is so fun! Perfect card.
This must be the cutest monster in the world.
adorable monster!
Very cute, love the fun bright colors! Thanks for sharing!
So adorable, just love that little monster. Wonderful design!
This cute monster is perfect!
So adorable! and love the bright colors too!
so bright and cheery!
Love your card! Hugs!
so cute!
lisa a.
lol. love it!
Great colors and I think this stamp set is fun!
My 2-year old grandson ADORES aliens – your card creation will be a guaranteed hit with the kids!
Good one!
Love the orange + monster! Great combination.
This is a great card for kids. Thanks for caring.
Great card! Love the cheerful colors!
Fun, cheerful card!
OH monster!