Yay!! It's back!! My online class all about going from chaos to organized creative bliss!! Who wants to be outside getting burned up by the sun anyways this summer?! You have at least 3 or 4 hours in the middle of every day to get out of the sun and get organized and crafty!!

This class is all about organizing scrap supplies, how to pack for a crop, class or retreat weekend, and how to use your stash. I make about 300+ layouts a year and have a reputation for getting a TON done at crops and retreats. I’ve gathered my best tips and advice to help us get from messy scrapper to efficient, organized crafter!
Lesson One and Two: Organizing Supplies
We’ll explore different methods of organizing supplies (brand, color, product type, hybrid style), storage options, using the space you have (under the bed to a whole room), and using your supplies as decorations.
Lesson Three: Getting Ready to Create
Packing for a Crop vs Class vs Retreat Weekend & organizing photos
Lesson Four: Working Through Your Stash
How to use the 10,000 piece eyelet set you bought at expo 5 years ago, when to let go of something because you will never use it, how to challenge yourself with the supplies you have/fall in love with your stash again. PLUS: How to shop without guilt.
Start Date: July 3rd, 2012
Class Fee: $25
Class Length: 4 Weeks