Get ready cuz here is my vent! Don't you just hate it when someone is Miss Goody TwoShoes and has to be right all the time? I sure do! Okay, I admit, I myself do like to be right all the time, but we aren't talking about me here, are we? Right? LOL
Anyways someone who bugs me alot was pointing out today that I must be wrong about something. So I checked up on my end and on my documents and Lo and Behold…Me, Myself, and I are RIGHT!! Ha! Take that! MOTED!
Ahhh that was fun! I love to be right! LOL
Anyways I just got back from It's About Time–I had a total blast!! The day started off a bit poopy (involves a CHP and a yellow piece of paper) BUT after getting my car out of the shop after the accident (WOOHOO) and getting to eat some yummy tacos, life was good. I have been craving these tacos from this places called Tacos Tijuana next to It's About Time for TWO WHOLE MONTHS since WhoGAS scrapped there in early March. MMmmmmMMMmmM!
I met some super nice ladies and I am sure we raised a pretty penny for Scrapbook Royalty!! Everyone who made the banner mini class donated at least $5 –some donated even more!! That was just awesome. I don't know for sure how much raised (I can't do math at this hour) but I am sure it reached near $100 and just from about 25 croppers–so awesome! Even better, Scrapbook Adhesives supplied all the adhesives for us tonight!! Their photo tape is awesome and those foam squares are SOOOO easy to use! Thanks Lissa for supporting us!
We did have a little bit of a mishap–I was sure that my Fiskars Threading Water punch was a gonner after it choked on some paper. When I got home, Xaver resurrected it from the dead so it is all nice and ready for action at tomorrow's make n take at The Scrappin' Table. Woohoo! I was about to die–I was totally talking to PJ on the phone on the way home and she was like, “I'm not gonna let you borrow mine!”—waaaaaahhh!! But I am glad mine is okay now–whew!! I even treated it with my special blade sharpener good stuff from Inspired Crafts–that stuff is AWESOME! So hopefully the punch will make it. Yeah, it only cost $14 but I had to go to 8 Targets to find it and no one has it and I was just pretty bent out of shape about it. Not that anyone “broke” it on purpose but you know how it is–I was feeling like a kid with a Barbie doll whose head won't stay on! Guess I should have had a latte or something before I went in the store! LOL
Anyways I had a total blast and left after sharing a few laughs with some really fun ladies. Off to bed–gotta get up EARLY tomorrow to be at The Scrappin' Table bright and early.!
you are such a brat…wahhhhhhh!!!!lol! well i’m glad the x-man got your punch up and running. i hope you had a great NSD.
Brat with a capital B!
LOL You both crack me up! I just gotta wonder what people think when they read this blather and they don’t actually know me IRL…I’m setting myself up for trouble! LOL