Taking signups for all of my online classes still at My Creative Classroom. I've been asked alot of times how the classes work so let me explain:
- Lessons are released once a week for each course and consist of a combination of videos, slideshows, pdfs, and/or images. I use slideshows and pdfs in all my classes except Silhouette–I use videos instead of slideshows.
- You work on the lessons at your own pace, in your PJs if you want, any time of day. You will not be “graded”. The entire time the teacher (me) is available to answer questions, even if you ask about Week One's lesson when we're on Week Ten. You can go along as the lessons are released or save them to the end.
- We cover ALOT. Alot more than in a regular class because we have so much time to work and I can show you stuff in way more detail than if I were in a regular class. I love that!
- You have access to the teacher by phone, email, and message board. How cool is that?!
- You can use your stash if you want or buy kits. Whatever you want to do.
Here are the classes I am offering this Spring:
Take Binding To The Next Level!
February 23, 2010
Four Weeks Long
My Creative Classroom