I just can't just leave well enough alone so I have reorganized my scrapbook room for the second time year! I really wanted to reclaim my living room back into my life so I needed to move my “work” desk into my scrapbook room. Xaver isn't too happy with me, as you can tell by that look and the hands on the hips. Whatever dude, you knew what you were getting into when you married me! LOL Okay, maybe he didn't know it was gonna be THIS bad — teeheee.
We removed one shelf and a few other things, all of my trim rolls are now in the garage because there were not fitting on the shelf anymore, and I took a bookcase out of the room. Moving this stuff is always a big job and involved lots of bins and lifting heavy paper but sometimes a change of scenery or fixing something that doesn't flow quite right is just what you need to get your creativity back in high gear.
Now that the room is done, Xaver isn't quite so upset with me. He swore off putting together anymore Ikea furniture for me and now he has sworn off moving my room around. You win some and you lose some I guess.
Here's the tour–enjoy!
What a great room!! I really adore those French provincial type tables!!
love it!! so organized!