Do you ever go to dollar stores? I check them out from time to time. I remember when the 99 Cents Only Stores opened their first location up here in the High Desert — I spent over $100 in there the first time! That's how they get ya….everything is a dollar. Actually less than a dollar! HA! But seriously. Do you ever go to the dollar store for craft supplies?

A few years back I taught a class on how to make this adorable owl book:


I needed fake eyelashes and someone (it was probably Xaver) said to go to the dollar store. I got my eyelashes and didn't break the bank! They really make the book, right? 

From that point on, I saw the dollar store in a new light. It wasn't just the place to get trash bags and gift wrap – it was full of all kinds of surprises. Surprises that changed all the time! I recently went into a Family Dollar and a Dollar General – avoid those. The really true dollar stores are Dollar Tree and 99 Cents Only (at least in my area).

I was on the hunt for some substrates (blank stuff to build a project on – it's just a fancy “designer” word. You know how I like to be a professional like that!) and other items to use for upcoming crafts and design team projects. Maybe I'll make some Halloween stuff for my front door, maybe a centerpiece for the table, a rad wreath like this one, gotta get something to make for the Parks and Recreation hop this weekend …(Accck! That's soon! Saturday – you better come back and see us :) it's gonna be AMAZING!)

Okay, well back to the story. I knew the dollar stores sometimes had craft supplies. Like serious off brand cruddy craft supplies but, nonetheless, crafty stuffs. Usually, if you want brand-name overstocks you'll go to a Tuesday Morning or Marshall's. But all of a sudden I saw something I recognized on the bottom shelf. A craft supply from Donna Salazar! I turned around and there was ANOTHER set of craft supplies on another shelf. Hot damn, Tulip stencils for 99 cents?!

Crafty Hidden Treasure at the Dollar Store - Jennifer Priest

The lesson here is to not write off anywhere – you never know where the awesome supply or amazing deal will be next. Literally, this took all of 10 minutes in the 99 Cents Only Store to find. Can you imagine what kinds of budget-friendly treasure you'd find in the dollar store? Here are some tips for cruising the dollar store for crafts:

  • Check out the office supplies – both of these items were in the office supply section
  • Also check the makeup and hair care area to find jewelry pieces you can repurpose as well as bags of buttons
  • Get a cart and sort your items before going to the check out to avoid loading up on unwanted items
  • Go shopping when you have to go to the bathroom (I'm serious) or bring a cranky kidlet with you because then you will get in and out and not overspend
  • Auto supply aisles are also great places to find cool stuff!

If you like shopping at the dollar store or want to see it in a new way full of possibilities, check out the site



Author: Jennifer Priest

It started with jewelry, beading, sewing, home decor, painting, basket weaving, pottery, and cross-stitch. Marry that to an entrepreneurial spirit & at 9 years old a girl is selling her wares at craft fairs as far as her parents and grandparents would drive her. These days, Jennifer enjoys crafts of all genres from sewing to scrapbooking to jewelry with a little dabbling in the mixed media world. Her style is approachable and she wants everyone who sees her work to feel that they too can embrace creativity and make their home and life beautiful.

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