Have you noticed a resurgence of posts asking firends to change THEIR privacy settings (or check and uncheck certain boxes in their settings) to somehow keep YOUR information “more” private? Well, it's a hoax.
Here's the latest one I saw today: http://www.snopes.com/computer/facebook/graphapp.asp
People tend to jump on bandwagons but don't let your business get caught up in anything that can make it look bad or misinformed. Here's a couple ways to protect yourself:
1. Check snopes.com to see if the task is a hoax or if it is genuine.
2. Cut and paste the text into google to see if there are any articles online from experts about it. Chances are, someone has already taken the time to address the issue. Read up on something before posting about it – if it is genuine, then go ahead and share and leave a link to the article or snopes.com page to show that you did your homework and checked things out.
Your customers will appreciate your business and you for being respectful of their time by not posting hoaxes and other internet nonsense to your social media accounts.
Happy Marketing, Friends!
Thank you for this! Those Facebook hoaxes are infuriating, especially when you see friends who are otherwise intelligent passing along bad information.