I LOVE being on the Zutter Bind It All Design Team. I mean LOVE IT!!!! I could not have asked to be on a better team – I get freedom to create things I like and actually use, Nan is awesome to work with, the product shipments we get are beyond generous…what's not to love!?
Sadly, my time is coming to an end. To commemorate our year as the Original Zutter Zisters we're doing a little swap. Here is my layout for the swap:
Though this is a sad time for me (sniff sniff) it is a good time for you to APPLY TO BE A ZUTTER ZISTER! Yeah, get on over to the Bind It All website and send in your application NOW!!! Best of luck!!
Okay, I can't be sooooo somber since there are some things in the works and I will still be involved on the Ning board for Bind It All fans…more to come on that later ;)
Oh, and in case you missed it, the Bind It All was featured on an eposide of the show Psych on USA Network. Check it all out HERE.
i am so glad you added the folowers to your blog! now I can add you to mine!