Join My Creative Classroom as we help the victims of Haiti‘s recent earthquake.
Ten of the MCC faculty and myself have come together to offer this wonderful class. It is really a ‘buffet' of different styles and techniques.

All proceeds from this class will go to a wonderful organization…..Haiti by Hand. Haiti By Hand is an artisan group of Haitian women begun by Rebecca Sower. Just days before the earthquakes of January 2010, Rebecca was in Haiti working with this group of women. This etsy shop was established to showcase and sell the handcrafts of the Haitians, as well as a shop to sell items donated by artists and crafters who want to help this group of Haitians rebuild and establish themselves after the devastation of the earthquakes.
Click here to visit the Haiti by Hand blog.
Click here to visit the Haiti by Hand Esty store.
To register for this class, please visit My Creative Classroom.