My good friend, tammyi, got me into putting bowties on my cat Marshmallow. But it was with hesitation – cat clothes are expensive!
Okay, that whole statement is a little crazy. I get it. Crazy Cat Ladies, keep reading!
It IS crazy that cat bow ties are about $10-20 each in the store when they fall apart, fade, and fray really quickly. So I figured out a quick and easy way to make cat bow ties with only a few basic supplies! Hot damn! Pssst…. non-cat people: you can use this tutorial to make cute hair bows too ;) … for your cat … or not.
Here's what you need:
- About 12″ of Grosgrain ribbon
- A Hot Glue Gun OR Aleene's Tacky Glue
- Scissors
- Clothespin
- Ruler (optional)
This is so dang easy to make!! This video is about 4 minutes long because I wanted to keep it at real-time speed so you can create alongside the video if you want. Here she is:
I hope this helps you to make some cat bow ties or pretty bows. Since I've been trying to be more strategic with my spending, I am always trying to find ways to save a little cash and get a little creative enjoyment by making things versus buying pre-made. I hope you're inspired to do the same. Please leave me a comment if you are moving into 2014 more conscious of spending and trying to “DIY versus buy” things, especially when you want something quality and in quantity, like cat bow ties.
Hi Jennifer, I just found your site thru weekly scrapper. Your challenge looks like fun, hope to join it soon. I tried to vote for you, but the side bar link only took me to your Fed Ex site and there was no place to vote. I’ll vote for you if you leave further instructions on how to do it.
Thank you so much!!