With a heavy heart I am closing my shop at Crafted at the Port of Los Angeles. Boooooooo!
As many of you might know, I have been wrestling with poor health the last few months and it just seems to get worse. After many discussions with family, friends, and my doctors, I have to make the best decision for my health and that is to close my shop. I am but one person :) Fingers are crossed that once I get myself back on track (health and weight wise) I will be back with a new booth!! And I do plan to visit and shop and maybe even do a make n take here or there in the mean time.
That said, now I have a REAL inventory overload so its time for a sale!!!!! People remark to me that I “must have a gorgeously decorated home” but I don't because I put all my pretty things in my booth at Crafted (or on etsy). If you don't come buy it, I WILL have an overly pretty home because I won't have room to put everything! LOL
See you there!
So sorry to heart that you need to take the break, but it sounds like it’s for the best. Please get better soon!
So sorry to hear you are closing your shop. It sounded like you really enjoyed it there, but you do need to take care of your health. Take care, Jennifer.
Do you have any valentines day wreaths or signs for sale still? I went to do the make n take that we talked about two weeks ago and u werent there sunday. :-( text me. Sam
Did my first comment go through? Im not very savvy with this blogger thing. Its sam and i stopped by cafted to do the make and take and also pick up a vday sign or wreath. Text me if the day things are still available?- sam
Hello Sam, I don’t have your number :( I got a new phone — will try to email you!!!