March Madness will be here in about a month! If you are in a sports household, you might be freaking out right about now… right?! If you celebrate game day on the field or you support your team from your couch, I found these awesome NCAA temporary tattoo kits that make showing your team pride super easy. Clearsnap sent me one of the temporary tattoo kits to try out a while back and we still use them all the time to get ready for the big game. My son Matthew especially loves them because they wash off and he can use them for anything, not just game day. The Clearsnap NCAA stamps, inkpads, and temporary tattoo kits are available for over 30 NCAA schools! Check out how we used the Clearsnap NCAA Temporary Tattoo Kit for UCLA to show our game day pride:
I really love how the kit is packed in a tin – all the pieces, the stamps, the inkpads and everything fit into the tin for easy storage and travel to and from the game. You can use the stamps with any ink so if you want to make cards or bookmarks or any other papercrafts with the stamps, you can. In addition, you can use any stamps with the ColorBox Temporary Tattoo ink. Wouldn't pirate stamps be cute for a pirate themed birthday party?! Or a Mickey-head stamp for a Mickey Mouse party or a trip to Disneyland? Here is the UCLA kit that we used in the video above:
Clearsnap also offers 3 colors of temporary tattoo ink that are not affiliated with NCAA schools: Shadow, Spicy, and Storm
Get ready for game day with Clearsnap® Temporary Tattoo Inkpads! Ideal for stamping on skin and available in select university themed colors – 2 colors per university. Temporary tattoo ink cleans easily from skin with just soap and water, and can be paired with the university themed ColorBox® Stamp Sets for game day fun! I hope you check these out! For clean up, I like to use baby wipes of Grime Boss wipes, which are a texture wipe that can get anything off your skin! I tried the grime boss wipes a couple years ago and they are my fave for cleaning off paint and ink of my hands. The Clearsnap temporary tattoo ink doesn't need that much strength but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.
You can get everything you need to make your own temporary tattoos and for cleanup on Amazon:
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