Are you going camping this summer? Looking for activities to keep the boys entertained and excited? I've gathered up a few great ideas on things to do at night while camping. When night falls, there are lots of alternatives to telling scary stories around the campfire. I rounded up some great ideas of nighttime activities to keep the boys busy and engaged until bedtime.
This post is part of the Summer Survival Series for Moms of Boys – see all the posts from the whole summer here.
8 Telescoping and other nighttime camping activities:
Strap a Headlamp to a Jug of Water to Make Ambient Light in the tent – great for telling stories!
Learn About and Identify the Constellations
Scavenger hunt – this is so much fun to not just for camping but for hiking too. At night, change the items to things in the tent or that you might see, like stars in the sky, an owl, or a campfire.
Check out this website for even more camp goodness! Do you go camping with kids? What do you do to keep them busy and entertained while learning about the outdoors?
Than you!