I've got three bloggy things to share today:
Teresa Collins featured my jewelry hanger on her blog on Saturday!! How cool is that?!!?!? Woohoo!
I just posted a giveaway on the Desert Scrappers blog from Scrapbook Royalty–go check it all out here. I am choosing 5 winners tomorrow night.
And finally, speaking of giveaways, go check out Craft Critique's blog. If you don't know what that is, you should! Ever wanted to know if a product was any good? Is that new tool worth the money? Well, Craft Critique puts the products you want to know about to the test. Then they post a tell-all on their blog with the good, the bad, and the ugly. They also share projects made with the product.
Back to Scrappy Land for me…Happy Creating!
Hopefully I'll pics of some good stuff to post tomorrow!