Each day now through Christmas I will share a mini book – a mini scrapbook – with you that I have created! This book is meant to serve as inspiration and along the way, I will share tips, tricks, techniques, and tutorials as well as the story behind the book. My hope is that these projects inspire you! Whether you're creating a gift for someone special or looking for ideas to use in your December Daily album, this series of posts can serve as a resource for ideas for years to come.
Today I am sharing a simple mini album that you can create with those pre-printed pages of 4×6 cards. This book features last month's The Good Journal monthly kit that was jam-packed with goodness. Check out this video for the full how-to and images of all of the pages:
One of the things I have encountered in teaching classes is that people LOVE the look of distressed edges. The problem is when we start distressing items with really rough edges, like chipboard or the serrated edge of a paper bag. These items tend to distress our inkpads, shredding them and causing damage that is really unnecessary. Acrylic paint does a better, more opaque job of distressing and helps preserve your inkpads for the things they were meant for – stamping! That's why I like to distress with paint, especially on mini album projects. I like to use a disposable foam paint brush with acrylic paint to brush the edges of my mini albums, like I share in the video for the book above. To get this dry brushed look, apply a small amount of paint to the brush and then brush it off onto a scrap. THEN start painting the edges of the book. This will result in a softer look, much more similar to that of an inked edge.
Tomorrow, I'll be sharing another mini and more tips!! Let's get crafty together ;)
Thanks for stopping by!