I have several photos boxes of prints that need to be scrapped so I imposed a moratorium on ordering more photos. Now that I am nearly 6 months into 2010 and about 8 months behind in printing pics and have done well over 200 layouts, I still have 2 photo boxes left to scrap and just found some digital pics in my files (in the wrong place) that I never printed from 2 and 3 years ago. Yikes!
I've accepted I'll never be caught up or done ;) What would I do with myself if I ever “finished”!!??? Let's not even think about it, k?
The cool thing is that some of these pics I found on my computer I thought weren't something I would want to scrap, like these pics from Solano Beach.
I went with Elena and Melanie (+ my two sidekicks, Matt and Katie) on an inspiration shopping trip, just to take pics and see cool stuff. At the time, I just didn't think these were pics I'd want to remember other than just for inspiration. But now, I got all kinds of feelings and memories just looking at them so I feel like I need to scrap them. Maybe we need time for our memories to become “memories” before we scrap them.
So if you're like me and crazy behind on ordering prints, here are some deals you can take advantage of to catch up:
Use code MOM2010
Walgreen's: Save $5 off $30 purchase or $10 off $60 purchase.
Use code: GIVEME5 or TAKE 10
Hope that helps. I'll be spending all night and all day tomorrow loading and printing ;)
I’m about 7 years behind in my scrapbooking.