At the beginning of this month I set out to FINISH 31 Unfinished Projects from my huge on-going list. Read all about the list and the reasons why I am doing this here:
My hope is that the sharing of my journey inspires you to get some things done around your house, in your craft space, and just to tidy up your life. It feels really good to get things done. It has been really rewarding to hear from you on Instagram, Facebook, and here on our blog about how you are now inspired to get things done. Some of you might be aware of some of the health obstacles I face and why DIY projects can be particularly challenging, among which are fibromyalgia and terrible knee issues. But, even with those obstacles, we are getting things done around here!! The trick is to move slow, take projects a piece at a time, and to take alot of Motrin :) ALOT of Motrin! LOL And a good deal of naps.
But, probably the biggest part of this process is accountability. I feel like if I don't work on things every day, well, I won't have stuff to post and share here and HOW then will I get all 31 things done?!
The month is over and I feel a huge sense of relief. This project was alot of pressure but having a deadline was a great motivator for getting things done that we had, in some instances, literally sat on for 5 years.
Here is the updated list of all the things we FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#1 – Paint patio table to match chairs – now DONE!
#6 – Weed Garden the rest of the way – now DONE!
#7 – Plant remaining seeds and plants in garden- now DONE!
#12 – Patch and paint holes in laundry room – we've patched the holes – now DONE!
#13 – Paint ceiling and cut in paint in laundry room – now DONE!
#18 – Paint facia board and front door – front door and trim are painted – now DONE! (as much as I can do myself; brother-in-law will finish the high up painting later this summer)
#20 – Finish Master Bath toilet room shelves – DONE!
#21 – Fix Toilet Paper Holder in Master Bath – DONE!
#23 – Replace 2 dead plants front yard – pulled out the dead plants; decided against replacing the plants – now DONE!
#25 – Weed front yard- now DONE!
#26 – Weed side yard- decided to just mow it, like grass – now DONE!
#30 – Remove plant holders from garden, spray paint, and install in Katie’s Room for stuffed animals – now DONE!
#31 – Paint Katie’s Room – now DONE!
#33 – Replace knobs on Katie's dresser – got a killer deal in the clearance section at Anthropologie – now DONE!
#34 – Paint new bed for Katie and get mattress – realized new bed (free) was cheap so scrapped that idea and traded mattresses with my parents' guest room – now DONE!
#38 – Figure out what to do with weird space above oven – using it for my baking racks and cookie sheets – now DONE!
#39 – Put in hook and move over kitchen nook light – now DONE!
#44 Take down the drying rack in laundry room (we don't use) – DONE!
#55 Scrub oil off driveway – I found this amazing product that took it right off at Home Depot but I can't remember the name and threw the bottle away! It was in the painting section… now DONE!
#56 – Finish organizing garage – it took THREE FULL DAYS but we did it!! First time in 5 years I can walk ito the garage, find a tool and supplies, and really “do-it-myself”. Also, my car fits back into the garage :) – now DONE!
#57 – Spray Paint Candle holders in master bath – now DONE!
#58 Add shelves in master closet and put luggage on them – DONE!
#59 More drawers in master closet built-ins (about $75 at Ikea) – DONE!
#60 – Scrub slider tract – back door- now DONE!
#61 – Fix Chair hooks that fell off wall in garage – now DONE! – they fell off again! Argggh!
#64 – Fix House Number Sign – it just fell off one night, broken?! – now DONE!
#65 Plant seeds in flower pots, front yard – DONE! ! – seeds were too old so they didn't grow – replaced with live plants
#80 – Add shelf in guest bath – now DONE!
#81 – Move shelf and/or towel ring in master bath– now DONE!
#84 – Fix solar landscape lights that are broken- now DONE!
#85 – Remove broken stepping stones in front yard – DONE!
#87 – Do something with the ugly green wreaths I waited too long to return – DONE!
#88 – New rug in master closet – DONE!
#89 – Organize the Junk Drawer – DONE!
#90 – Install the door stop we found when cleaning out the garage – now DONE!
#91 – Replace the broken flag holder with the one we found when cleaning out the garage – now DONE!
#92 – Finish a black and purple topiary I had in my stash!!!! – I actually finished a crafty project!!! – now DONE!
#93 – Hang the Barbecue sign I got for Xaver at Christmas on the patio – now DONE!
#94 – Hang the windsock I found when cleaning out the garage – now DONE!
#95 – Install bars with hooks that I found in garage – to scrapbook room and bathroom – DONE!
Here's what went down:
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So there are still about 40 things that we did not do because of lack of:
- Money
- Skill
- Manpower
- Decision-Making- can't decide on a color or finish
- Energy
But, we are still working on things! This project has gotten us motivated and into the habit or trying to tackle at least one project a week. And that is a lot more than we were doing before. We hope that you have been inspired by this journey with us. And also, that you appreciate us opening up our home to you to show that all is not perfect and pristine and gorgeous – we are real people ;)
Thanks again for following us and we hope that you enjoy our next crafty adventure :)
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