One of my favorite, unforgettable memories from this summer is that time, in band camp…. no really. One of my fave memories is when a friend told me that the “Orange Is The New Black” food truck, Crazy Pyes, was coming to So Cal as part of a promotional tour!! I love the show “Orange Is the New Black” and had recently done a blog hop promoting the second season of the show on Netflix. Everyone knew I was OITNB crazy so it was natural to see my inbox filling with news about the food truck coming to LA. It was time for a spontaneous adventure in the city!
The closest and most convenient location for us to visit was in Culver City. That same day, we also had a birthday party to attend in San Gabriel as well other friends to visit that night. If we were gonna go, it was going to be a fly by the seat of our pants adventure! My friend Tammy is usually the one to call me up at 11pm for a night trip to Urth Caffe or at the last minute to go scrapbooking or to meet up in an hour to drive to Newport Beach for a beach day. I remember one time she said to me that she was always glad to know she could count on me for adventure time! A little spontaneity is good in friendship, marriage, and life, for sure!
We hopped in the car and drove as fast as we could (legally) to Culver City. For me, I feel like I am in Los Angeles when I get to East LA and the Garment District. But Culver City, Santa Monica and all of those cities in the great beyond west of Los Angeles….they feel YEARS away! Luckily we keep the car stocked with a flat of bottled waters from Target so we didn't need to stop for provisions until we arrived at our destination: The Culver Hotel in Culver City.
I'd like to say I had been to Culver City in the past but I don't remember. The square around The Culver Hotel was adorable and extremely hispter-eqsue. If I had been there before, it was nothing like the cute, fun place we experienced now. We found parking close by and walked down picturesque tree lined streets to the square where the food truck was parked.
I had hoped I would see some of the cast members from the show (Selenis Leyva showed up in New York!) but we got pie and it was delicious! Xaver and I posed in the fun cut-out picture booth they had on site and I took him several OITNB cast member posters. I have no idea where I will hang those but I GOT THEM! We topped off our “dessert-first” lunch with friend chicken at Honey's Kettle, just down the street from the Culver Hotel and then headed to the birthday party in San Gabriel. Everyone thought we were crazy as they followed our adventure on social media but we were making memories and having a wonderful time. When I'm 80 I can now say (read in a slow, creaky voice), “Remember that time when I was in my 30s and me and Grandpa got pie from the “Orange Is the New Black” food truck. In my day, you could get food off a TRUCK!” Or it goes something like that…
There's nothing more fun than an impromptu adventure and one of the keys to making that happen is having some great tools on hand and at the ready for whenever spontaneity strikes. I always make sure that my Canon EOS Rebel T5I camera is fully charged and on the ready so that we can take it with us on trips and document the day. You can pick up this handy camera for a song at Target (yeah, Target!) and that's where I got my camera. In addition, a slim travel pack is always handy for carrying the camera, your wallet, cell phone, keys, and of course, water bottles. When we're out and about like this, I don't like carrying around my heavy purse so Xaver carries a pack, like this SwissGear City Pack, to carry all of our necessary items. It's perfect for spontaneous day trips, hiking, and even the occasional theme park day. And finally, water is essential. I never know if there will be a store or place to get water nearby and being that the summer is hot here in So Cal, water is a must! I carry a flat of 24 waters in my car at all times and we also have a few reusable water bottles to fill when there is a place to fill them. Lots of places in LA have free water stations for customers, like Urth Caffe, where you can fill your bottles on a hot summer day.
So to recap, here's what you need to have an adventure any time, any place:
Canon EOS Rebel T5I
SwissGear City Pack
Refillable Water Bottle
Water Bottles, Flat of 24
You can use the Target Wedding registry link to create a spontaneous, unforgettable adventure pack for you and your honey. Just click the link to get started on adding items to your registry.
Tammy, call me up for the next adventure. Xaver and I are ready! What adventures will you be going on soon?
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Target. All opinions are my own. #TargetWedding #Sponsored
Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. I wish I had started watching OITNB before the truck was around. That would have been fun to check out. I can’t wait until Season 3 comes out.
You know…I used to keep a bag of stuff like this in my car and I’ve gotten away from it. This just inspired me to put it together again and get it in the car. You never know when a spontaneous adventure will come your way!!! And sometimes when you least expect it in the middle of a normal outing…be prepared!!! LOL Thank you for the re-inspiration!!!