aisle at Target! LOL Ha, got you to do a double take, huh?!
I have been so busy working working working lately that I realized it had been nearly a month since I made a trip to Target. We have a really nice Super Taget right by my house and I already needed to stop in to buy rubbing alcohol for my hand so why not spend a few minutes shopping? I love to cruise all the end caps for clearance items and then if I have more time, I will cruise the aisles themselves. LOVE the housewares sections!! I did't know how much I missed it until I was back in the game :)
On this trip I scored a $12 mirror and two $12 paintings from the Clearance Sections that I'll be sharing soon. But an even better find was in the bathroom aisle!
They had these wire metal tiered trays with plastic bins in them as countertop organizers. They are supposed to be in the bathroom and the tray s almost look like they are supposed to be for soap. They came in green, black, and white — well, probably more colors but that was all that was left when I got there. I got a green one:
It's perfect on my scrap table! I have bottles of adhesive in the top, runners in the middle, and glue dots in the bottom. And I have my webcam on the top rung so I can do my UStream shows :) I totally LOVE it!!
I plan to take it with me to retreats too. And it was just $12.99 to boot. I feel like there is a $12 theme to Target right now! LOL
Just wanted to share–let me know if you get one too!!
Love it! Thanks for sharing your find.
A great deal and perfect storage :) Love how your camera sits up there …all ready for action :)
What an amazing find!
Very cute! What kind of paper is that lining your table? Is it grocery bags???
Great deal- your scrap space is to clean…