Last fall I decided that 2014 would be the year I go to more conferences. Well, 8-9 months in advance, how can I know what was going to happen? All hell broke loose in my personal life between October and now and well, I am finally coming out of it. For a few moments, I wasn't even sure if I would be able to make it to SNAP, even though I already had my ticket!
Things are finally looking sunny and I am soooo ready for this conference. I am nervous. That is kinda silly, right?! But I guess I am excited. I haven't been excited about things for a long time.
I am a little stressed about this 80's prom night. Do I really need a prom dress? I never even went to my prom and it was in the 90's anyways. I think I am gonna enlist the help of my daughter for this prom dress. And of course, we will video it!
Do you go to conferences? Which are your favorites? What are your best tips for someone heading out to a conference?