Last week everyone, myself included, were up in arms about an interview Martha Stewart did for Bloomberg TV. Yes, I am so late to this party here on my blog but I was one of the first people to share it on social media! Patting myself on my non-expert back right now… LOL
Everyone got enraged by this vid and rightfully so…maybe Martha was taken out of context or whatever but it is pretty hard to take the BULK of her comments out of context. Maybe I am not an “expert” in Martha's eyes because I blog. Or are experts not allowed to blog? They can only have their staff blog for them as Martha does? Or even better, should the “experts” give bloggers shoddy, made-in-China product to blog with in order to promote a company that Martha owns, albeit with no pay? Because really, non-experts (aka bloggers) can't seriously expect to be paid for playing with glitter all day long, can they? I guess it is no surprise how Martha really feels about bloggers. Her actions have been telling us that for years! We just wanted to believe otherwise… Maybe we're the problem because we aren't experts in spotting jerks.
What made Martha an expert anyways? Her years at culinary school? Her professional training as a journalist? Or wait, no, it must be her MBA from Harvard? Oh yeah….she doesn't have any of those things. Now, I am not trying to be catty. But hey, if you are in the public eye, making millions off of people, you ought be more careful about the comments you make about people whose followings and “popularity” you're leveraging on behalf of your company and the assumptions you make and state publicly about yourself. And let's not forget using bloggers' crafty expertise on your behalf…because if there were no expertise needed, there would be no application process to become a blogger in Martha's Circle.
So here is my half-cocked, hair messed up, late at night response as I am working away in my office on work I must not be an expert on. Why not?! If I am not an expert, who cares if my office is a mess, if I did my hair, or if I forgot to take off my reading glasses?
But wait. I bet you care. Because you are here! Because I value you, I value your input, I love to know that you come here and want to get crafty inspiration.
Check out the rest of the responses to Martha's blast of bloggers here on Crafty Hangouts. Then let Martha know what you think by sending out your thoughts on social media using hashatgs #Minute4Martha and #ImNoExpert. We bloggers love to inspire, we love to share and the best reward is knowing that we made someone's day a little brighter. So I think that makes us experts in “Making Days Brighter”! Do you agree?
I hope you enjoyed today's post!
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